自立二路次高樓層陽台採光邊間套房 黃絲帶
◎次高樓層有陽台,採光明亮 ◎鄰近雙捷運,高雄車站在旁 ◎單身貴族或投資收租的首選 ◎寬敞方正格局,空間好規劃 ◎精華地段,四通八達通南北
– Located on a higher floor with a balcony, providing bright natural light.
– Close to dual metro lines, with Kaohsiung Station nearby.
– Ideal for singles or as an investment property for rental income.
– Spacious and well-planned layout, offering versatility in space usage.
– In a prime location, well-connected for easy access in all directions.NT$3,080,000自立二路次高樓層陽台採光邊間套房 黃絲帶